Rules & Regulations

All users are subject to the general rules of the library:

  • Library patrons are required to display their Student/Staff/External Member/Visitor ID.
  • Library membership is non-transferable.
  • Patrons must dress neatly and appropriately and adhere to the UMS Student Dress Code enforced by the Student Affairs (HEP).
  • Patrons must behave courteously while in the library.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the reading area and discussion rooms, except for drinks in capped water bottles.
  • Library staff have the right to advise and take appropriate action against patrons who violate the stipulated rules.
  • The library reserves the right to review and amend library rules from time to time as necessary.
  • Must be registered Library members.
  • Item Loan is subject to Loan entitlement.
  • Second- party loan is prohibited.
  • Users with outstanding dues or unreturned items will not be allowed further loan privileges until payment/ return is made.
  • Users are responsible to ensure that all loan items have been properly recorded. This can be checked via Web OPAC
  • Penalty will be imposed if loaned material is lost, damaged or overdue.
  • In the event of loaned item being misplaced, users are given a 2-week grace period to search for or replace said item.
Returning and Book Drop Service
Loaned material can be returned either at the Circulation Counter or through the Book Drop Service located outside the Library building. The Book Drop Service is to facilitate return of Library materials after closing hours. However, only GENERAL COLLECTION materials can be returned using this service; other types of collections are to be returned at the Circulation Counter.

Item Reservation
Reservation of material can be made online or at the Circulation Counter by filling in the relevant forms.
Users are allowed to request for a specific material/ item ONCE only to enable other users have access to said resources.

Renewal can be made online through Web OPAC subject to item availability and no prior requests by other users. Renewal can also be done at the Circulation Counter

Payment for Lost or Damaged Items
Payment should be made during office hours at the Customer Service Unit.
Item Reservation
Reservation of material can be made online or at the Circulation Counter by filling in the relevant forms.
  • Room reservation for the purpose of seminars, workshops, official events and other activities is to be made 7 days in advance of the said function by filling in the relevant forms and submitting these with a formal application letter.
  • UMS Library reserves the right to reject or cancel any reservation.
  • Penalty will be imposed if users are found to use facilities for non-academic activities or events not sanctioned by UMS.
  • Reservation from parties outside UMS is not allowed.
  • Only registered member are eligible to use the room facilities.
  • Users are to use room facilities according to Library operation hours. Keys must be returned before the expiry of reservation period. Penalty will be imposed for the late return of keys.
  • Cubicles are strictly for single- person use. Suspension of membership will be exercised on all parties if multiple users are detected.
  • Personal belongings left unattended after room usage will be recorded as Lost and Found and kept for 14 days, after which these items would then be forwarded to the Student Affairs & Alumni (HEPA) for further action.
  • Penalty will be imposed on loss of keys.